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Who is mykagami for?mykagami is for you if you're looking for a quiet place to gain new awareness, to reflect and to grow. At mykagami we believe that you’re never too young, too old or too anything to grow, to change and to be more
Who's behind mykagami?Mykagami was conceived by Yo Percale, a self-development coach, and lovingly created by a team of passionate developers, designers, coaches and psychology researchers.
What is mykagami?Mykagami is a self-development platform and marketplace that helps you curate and own your self-development journey. Our early adopters tell us that mykagami is their quiet space, their Zen temple and life dojo
How does it work?Registration is quick and simple and once you’ve logged in you’ll notice that mykagami is organised into 4 distinct but highly integrated modules namely 1- Discover – all about self discovery – we suggest starting here with one of our proprietary self discovery assessments though you’re welcome to use any of the features as an when you wish. 2 - Reflect – our reflection cards are a great way to capture your thoughts, feelings and insights. Free-form refection is a great place to start and we’ve also included some of our favourite reflection patterns for you to explore. The mykagami reflection board is a visual journal that enables you to see all of your reflection cards in one place or filtered using topics. 3 - Act – all about moving from dream to do - Capture your self development actions and goals on mykagami task cards. Use the mykagami kanban board to manage your tasks and get stuff done. Prioritise your tasks by adding them to our Urgent Vs Important board and use the mykagami vision board roadmap to map your way to your vision 4 - Connect – all about finding the right input at the right time can significantly accelerate your self development process. Use the mykagami coach/mentor finder to confidentially find and follow the coaches and mentors that resonate with you
How is mykagami different?Unlike narrow focus, one size fits all apps and interventions, mykagami is a comprehensive suite of action orientated features and tools that help you to curate and own your self-development journey. mykagami is a refuge from social media and the often unfulfilling stream of passive self development blogs, vlogs and podcasts. mykagami is about empowering you to move from dream to DO.
Why reflect?Reflection is a process through which we examine our experiences. Capturing your reflections will help you gain a deeper understanding of your beliefs and habitual behaviours. It may also help you connect with your intuition, find meaning and inform your decision making.
How do i go about setting a coach or mentor profile?Please register on the platform and email us at
Can anyone see my reports, reflections or tasks?"No. mykagami is completely private.
How much does it cost?mykagami is free for self developers
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